Thursday 13 September 2007

Sebelum dan Selepas

Semalam, sebelum saya nak melelapkan mata, saya tiba-tiba rasa macam ada 'serious internal conflicts' melanda diri. As such, saya pun try mencari bacaan yang boleh menenangkan gelodak di jiwa ni. I read Utusan Malaysia (online) and I came across this prominent figure: YUSUF ESTES (never knew him before). Tertarik dengan personaliti beliau sebagai seorang bekas paderi yang telah dipilih-Nya untuk dapat cahaya Islam, saya pun mula mencari maklumat lanjut tentang diri beliau. And then I came across this beautiful poem by him:

"Before & After - ISLAM"

- Poem by Yusuf Estes

  • I see now my quest in life had been in vain.
  • I desired pleasure and material gain.
  • For those around me, my goals were plain,
  • I tried to achieve them all without regard to pain.
  • I wanted the glitter and glamour this world provides.
  • I couldn't see the treasures that all this hide.
  • My 'Quest for wealth' - could never buy what I needed most.
  • My 'Search for fame' - was like trying to catch a ghost.
  • But when my prayers were for 'Guidance' from the 'One Above'.
  • I found success in 'Total Submission' to the Will of Him -- in Love.
  • I found all the riches, glory and happiness that one might require,
  • But most of all I discovered my real heart's desire.
  • I found the which is the secret of Life's Lease,
  • I found the One Who Gave all, when He gave me PEACE.
  • It finally came after all those years of trouble and strife
  • That to do "ISLAM" is the PURPOSE OF LIFE.

Terasa amat signifikan puisi yang ditulis oleh beliau terhadap diri saya. Beza antara kami cuma beliau seorang 'convert', saya seorang yang 'revert'.

Thank you Allah, for bringing me out from the meaningless life and for giving me the precious chance to know and love You more than ever . . .

"Dialah yang memberi rahmat kepadamu dan malaikat-Nya memohonkan keampunan untukmu, supaya Dia mengeluarkan kamu dari kegelapan kepada cahaya yang terang. Dan adalah Dia Maha Penyayang kepada orang-orang yang beriman." (Al-Ahzab: 43)


Anonymous said...


the hidayah is everything we need in our life..
alhamdulillah..thank you ALlah for giving us chances to summit to you with this consciousness of being true believer..

let's pray hard so that we return to Him with his blessing..

ku rindukan bertemuMu Rabb, namun gusar di hati andai Kau tidak mahu memandangku lantaran silamku...
jika pertemuan dgn Mu tiba..
dan saat itu Engkau tidak memandangku..
alangkah ruginya aku..
sungguh ruginya aku..
alangkah hinanya aku hingga Tuhanku jijik dgnku..
ampuni kami Rabb

Anonymous said...

comel atuk yusuf estes ni. lagi comel kisah die revert to islam. satu family hangkut sekali.