Tuesday 11 September 2007

Hidupku...mulai saat itu hingga kini.

I know that my life will never be the same again. From the moment I knew the truth, the real truth, I know my journey, my life courses and my path will be harder and different compared with before. I can't wish to turn back time, to the time that I didn't know. What happened meant to happen. Que sera sera. What will be, will be. I am one of the chosen ones. I have to do what I now know. No turning back, never again!

Duhai Tuhan, betapa mencabarnya hidup ni...Hati yg selalu berubah2...dugaan dan nafsu yg menggoda, dtg tnpa henti. Susah kan nk jaga hati? No wonder hadis yg pertama pun bincangkan ttg niat, sbb niat tu pun dtg dr hati. Yg menentukan baik buruk setiap insan pun hati.Semoga hati ini sentiasa disinari dgn sinar mahmudah,ameen...

I really don't know what am I writing now, just feel like doing so. May Allah swt help and guide me in navigating my life and be consistent (istiqamah) in everything good that I've started, ameen...

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