Saturday 13 September 2008

A Tribute to Cats

I love animals, especially furry ones. When my parents and I went to Roadwalk in Penang, I fell in love with a pair of rabbits, but my parents won't hear me! I left Penang that day with a broken heart..

Actually I wanted to be a vet. Tapi abang cakap something yang buat hati ni terus tak lalu nak jadi vet. Dia cakap: Buat pe jadi vet, bukannya membantu pembangunan negara! There you go..and I am a few years to become a teacher, building a nation that hopefully will build the country.

Cats and I are quite identical. The prove is, somebody even said my eyes are like cat eyes! Anyway, here are some pictures of cats that I have met and touched.

Ni Bella, seekor kucing kacukan Parsi & kampung. Kucing kawan ibu. Gemuk. Gues what he is eating in this picture. Durian!! Yes, durian! Kita selalu dengar cerita kucing makan durian, and now it really happens in front of my eyes. Syok betul dia makan durian tu...sampai dua ulas! Me myself don't really eat durian, this cat beats me!

Ni pulak Boy, anak kucing yang umurnya tak sampai sebulan. I was busy cupcaking as it was only two more days until kenduri tahlil and my engagement reception. Having a pair of leech ears (telinga lintah), I heard this poor cat meowing. At first, mcm malas nak ambik kisah, but then I know I won't be able to sleep until I found this kitten. So berbekalkan sebilah pisau lipat, I pun keluar rumah walaupun berseorangan dan jam dah menunjukkan pukul 2.30 pagi. Lepas 5 minit jalan, baru nampak dia kat tepi jalan. Cepat-cepat I pegi kat dia, tapi dia garang sangat! Tak bagi pegang dier. Jadi I pun guna pisau (nak elak dier cakar and gigit tangan) tu utk gosok leher dier and he calmed down. Now, he is healthy and happy living with my mom. Dulu tak mau minum susu, sekarang dah pandai minta susu. He likes to play with tudung saji and chasing people's walking legs. I miss him.

She is Kitty. My cousin's cat. Although she is very gorgeous, I don't like her. She is very sombong. She scratched my hands. She is not friendly at all. I just hope she will change one day.

This is a well-known cat to all Marjonians: Beethovan. I like him. Pengubat rindu kat kucing-kucing Malaysia. Fat and monopolizing. Loves to chase his own tail and an attention seeker. He doesn't like it when you are doing your work, leaving him alone. He loves being with us instead of with his rightfully owner. Poor his owner. I will definately be thinking of him when I am back in Malaysia.

People sometimes question animal lovers, why they can give so much love and affection to animals compared to humans. Well..sorry to say, sometimes, and most of the times, cats are so much better friends than humans.


Mr. Ombak said...

aku masih blur pasal part ko gosok leher kucing ngan pisau. terbayang cm ko nak sembelih die je. hohohhoo

Anonymous said...

Good post.