Thursday 18 September 2008

Tagged, I Have Been. (special credit to Hani Iryani bt Adnan)


* Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Haiyoo... amende alah la tag-tag ni.. I thought of clothing tag when I first heard of this tagging thing. How technology has enriched the meaning of normal words. Nak share ape pun tak tau..nothing is interesting about me, I guess.
Anyway, here are 7 facts about this girl named Nurul Syafwah binti Raduan, borned 5th March 1986.

1. I may look 'tough' from the outside, but inside, I am very sensitive. Senang sangat nak nangis kalau sedih. When I knew my beloved youngest brother got cancer, I cried the whole time, resulting in a week of high fever. And this sensitive heart of mine can be hurt easily. My best mates know this fact very well..hehehe ;p It hurts easily, but it mends quite easily too. All I need from the person who don't mean to hurt me is a simple apology, and it is over, and I can smile again. *peace* :)

2. I just love baking and cooking. I started baking when I was still small, because my mom said I was always playing in the kitchen. Having a weeping and problematic brother who cried at all times and took my toys, making me always playing alone in the kitchen. Poor little sister. My mom said, pernah satu hari, diorang risau I diam je, tak tau kat mana, rupa-rupanya doh tumbuk ikan bilis dalam lesung batu. I was one year ++ at that time. And I still remember till today, I was baking cookies (I was 12) when my now-soon-to-be-mother-in-law walked in the kitchen and said: Wah, rajin si Nurul ni! Boleh buat menantu, utk si Eddy (my fiance's elder brother). And same with Hani, I will resort to these activities whenever I am feeling down and tensed up, I will go to the kitchen and make something edible from my kitchen cabinets and fridge. The best part is, I don't eat what I have cooked, instead, I give to my friends. Strange as it is, I like to eat shop-bought cakes although I know how to bake them. But hey dear friends, this is a fact that is not to be manipulated! (eg. make Syafwah emo, and she will cook or bake something for us!)

3. Riding bicycle is a HUGE trauma for me. This happened in the year 2005 or 2006 when all of B.Ed TESL students in IPBA went for a field trip to Putrajaya. Kan most of us naik beskal tu, and unlucky me, lost control of my bike when going down a hill...and....bump!!! Bump into a huge bricked lamp post and thrown out from the bike into the bushes. OUCH!! Sakit tau..dah la jatuh sorang2. . Bruised all over my right shoulder and hip, scratches and sprained on my legs. Naseb tak lama lepas tu ade abg-abg yg jage tempat tu ronda naek motosikal, so they help me. I got a week m/c for this as I can't walk properly. Cycling? Never again, except yang ada roda 4, ehehehe xD (So Warid and Hazriq, don't mention of cycling to IPBA from Kerinchi, ok?)

4. I always get hurt in friendship. Over the years, I always end up with people who don't apprieciate me, people who always take me for granted, people who can't accept me as I am and back-stabbed me. I ni bukanlah kawan yang perfect, but I can truthfully say that I always try my best to help and make them happy because I love my friends. But to those people, ape yang I buat mesti tak kena. I have done so much for them, but all I got in return is hurt (time tulis ni pun rasa sedey)... That is why most of the times, I prefer pets that human beings (oh and until now, I have dreams and nightmares of my hamsters!). To those people yang buat I macam ni and read this, sorry to say, from now on, you bear no significant in my life, not for now, and not for ever, until time heals this wound.

5. Okay, honestly, I have no idea on what to say about me. Erm..I am quite straight-forward, a fact that can't be changed. I am sorry to those I have hurt without intention. Tapi kalau dah biasa, tak de la bisa sangat, hehehe...ade je org yg lagi straight-forward from me. But, again, sorry if I ever hurt your feelings.

6. I have been in love with the same man for almost 10 years now. More details? Later.

7. The fact: I am engaged. Soon to be married with the same man end of this year, Insya Allah.

Well, those are some facts about me. More are indescribable.

I don't have any idea who to tag. I tag only two for the time being. The lucky people are:
  1. Nadeera
  2. Gunalan
That is all for now. Got to re-write the revised Chapter 1. Good luck to me, and you too. xx

1 comment:

hunny said... ke u pnah jatuh beskal kt putrajaya tu? ish ish..u ngn farah same je.hehe