Saturday 13 September 2008

I am Back!!!

Time passes quickly that we barely realised how much time we have actually wasted. As for me, I don't really want to admit that I wasted my summer vacation doing nothing. I wasted some time, but most of the time I spend it with my mom and preparing for my incoming wedding.

The journey to Malaysia was a tough one. Flight got cancelled and delayed, stranded alone...It took me almost four days to land in KLIA! Boy it taught me a lot about live and being thankful. The survival in this world. The persons who matter most, and to whom you matter most. Thank you Lord, for this invaluable lesson.

Being in Malaysia was lovely. Being with your family members, enjoying the flavours of Malaysia (I loveee char kue tiaw in Penang) and eating my favourite fruit: Mangosteen. Sedap nyerr... Tak teringat langsung kt beri-beri England, nothing beats tropikal fruits! Mangga, manggis, rambutan, durian, jambu batu, jambu air, buah naga....yummy!

Cerita politilk pulak...menyampah. Sumpah sana, sumpah sini. Me, who doesn't like politic can't even stand the political issues. I just hope things will get better in time. Tapi nanti jadi cikgu pun tak boleh terlibat dengan politik. Bagus jugak, kalau tak, pening kepala. Institusi agama di Malaysia pun dah tercalar dek politik. Hampeh.

Lari dari politik. I want to share an experience. It was second, or maybe third of Ramadan. My mom and I on the way to Econsave. That day was quite sunny. While waiting for the traffic lights to turn green, I looked at the car next to us. Ada tiga orang remaja. At first I thought budak cina, or maybe Bumi yg bukan Islam. Yela..sedap je diorang makan what looked like kerepek to me. But then, I looked more carefully. Kat cermin utk tengok blkg tu (can't remember what it is called) tergantung hiasan tulisan ayat-ayat Quran. So I told my mum, I asked her to look. The teenagers, realised we were looking at them, tried to hide the accessory. Trying to hide the fact that they are Muslims and they should be fasting. Perasaan malu dan sedih membuak-buak. Even until today, I can't forget that incident. Kalau ye pun yang perempuan-perempuan tu tak puasa, tak payah la makan dengan bangga sambil menyuap si lelaki di sebelah. And for the rest of the journey, I had to bear with my mum's nag.

Now, I am back in Plymouth. Barely see sun shining brightly. I am still recovering from flu and cough. Surviving to do my dissertation which I haven't started yet. Surviving to heal the old wounds and to open new beginnings...


nedd. said...

comel nye kucinggg tuuu..~

Suhaimi Abd Wahid said...

kak syafwah psl xposa tue.. org arab pon sama jek g jek kat Nowroz tue... rmai jek mamat kurdish tue tgh melantak siang2 buta.. ari tue masa beli ayam bdk yg cashir kat kdai arab blkg nowroz tue slamber jek minum Pepsi depan kita org nie.. herm apa lg saya dgn muka pelik nyer pon tnung lah mamat tue.. tp dia selamber jek.. mcm xde ape2 pon huhu ape2 jelah dunia nie