Thursday 26 March 2009

Quick Update

Well... I know it has been ages since I last updated my blog. My life is unbelievably busy! I have never experienced such a busy life before this. Maybe now that I am married, I have more commitment and work to do, but I still have the same amount hours like other eligible bachelors out there, which is 24 and not 48 hours! As I have less time, but more work that others, I will just write a very quick and compact updates of my current life:

1. I think I have slightly gained weight. Maybe because of blissful happiness. Tipu la kalau I kata I tak kisah, kisah jugak sikit2, sampai kena tegur dgn my hubby because I always complain that I am now fat and he doesn't think that way. Anyway, what is more important is that I lead a healthy eating habit: No junk food! (but I cannot resist sweet ;p)

2. I now have a baby. A cute, michivieous and naughty fluffy Persian kitten, named Marsha. No photo of her yet. I am still trying to find my leisure time to do all the uploading of the photos.

3. I hate the current Malaysian education system! There are still lots of conservative educators who still believe their way of teaching is the right one. Unable to open up their old minds to accept changes. Wait till I become one of the think-tankers...

4. My beloved husband and I now have our own sweet little home (thanks to my parents-in-law). It is small and simple, but it is our heaven. Bak kate seorang ustaz, kalau nak syurga di akhirat, ia bermula dengan syurga di dunia (i.e. kedamaian & keharmonian rumahtangga).

5. I still have the rights to moan about my life now. I know I made the choice to get married early, but I am still a human being. Ciptaan Allah s.w.t. yang kerdil & lemah. Those who said: "Tu la, sape suruh kawen awal". You guys just wait for your time. All I need from you guys is your support, not that kind of reply which sometimes, hurt me :(

6. I now will treat myself by going to the hair salon on a regular basis. Thanks to Hani, whom according to my hubby, : "hei..bahaya betul kawan ngan Hani ni, ajar sayang buat benda2 yg mahal!" (p/s Hani: Abul gurau je, eheh ;p)

7. For this month (March 2009), my hubby and I have spent a total of RM 10 000 ++. However, it is because of a useful invesment: buying furnitures and other essential things for our new home. However, it still doesn't change the reality that I am now quite broke!
Haha =D (p/s Suhaimi: sorry for the kaya. It will come, but later sketla ye...).

8. Marriage life is super-duper fantastic.

That's all for now. More coming later (but I don't know when. Biasalah, hidup busy skrg nih)


Suhaimi Abd Wahid said...

hehhe busy nyer suri rumah cum student nie hhuhuh biasalah final year is the busiest year.. so g practical kat sekolah ne nnt?

hunny said...

hey hey! i saw my name!

ahah! ble plak i aja u bnde2 mahal nie syafwah..hemo2..u nk g mid, i ajak u g tmpt lg murah je ape. i wat treatment biase2 je, u yg wat mahal2 ape..hahahhahah! :P

takpe2, asal hubby u suke okey la kan? hehe :D ble u nk wat open house nieh? :D :D

Anonymous said...

Heee....benci btul ngn doc tu. Bukannye nak ckp tahniah, tnye soklan gila pulak. We are not going to that clinic ever again!

surely dont go to see that doc tu again, he/she is so rude... hahaha... anyway congrats tau... i think it's a good time anyway. so by the time kau nak meletup pun dekat akhir tahun. Take care... but still aku nak bake pasta.