Friday, 17 October 2008

My Mum's New Obsession

This new obsession has caused her RM 400. Well... I don't mind, it was from her own money, as long as she is happy, I am happy for her too [but I am not very happy that she buang my Boy! Poor little kitty :( Penat I selamatkan and nurture him..huhu.. May he is safe under His protection & love, amin.... ]

So, here is the gorgeous & mischievous little thing...

Btw, her name is Maria.


Anonymous said...

tomelnye die.. huhuhu

Anonymous said...

nurul the "mak kuceng"..hihihi

hunny said...

ehe..ptt la anak die ske kcing.maknye pun sme rupenye ;p xpe, u'll get use to my new layout =)

nedd. said...

a cute obsession indeed!

.:. Syafwah .:. said...

@ faiz & nedd: sememangnya Maria ni sgtlah comel & manja.X sabar nak balik n peluk dia, huhuu..

@ izad: i am not mak kuceng, i am princess kuceng, heheheh ;p

@ hunny: like mother, like daughter. thank god your bandwidth has exceeded resulthing in a new, user friendly layout!

nedd. said...

oh my Goddddddd..he is soooo adorable!!!